

reverse-chronological listing of all concert postings.  if a link is broken, just leave a message & i’ll try to put it back up.

*  tweeted on @cipjazz1

 Posted by at 10:30

  10 Responses to “postings”

  1. Hi Pete, Just enquiring about how to get access please to the N.H.O.P. recordings? One your biggest fans, MonkSphere

    • hi charlied,

      those are some mp3s that a friend wanted. i’ll put some nhop up here shortly.


  2. Hello,

    I wanted to access to the Monty Alexander trio + friends, but we need a password.
    How to get it ?

    Thanks a lot,
    Best regards

  3. Not sure if I have this, my Dime downloads are not neatly in one place, thanks.

    • i use a spreadsheet to track what i’ve downloaded, and still sometimes end up with a duplicate.

  4. Pete – Hal Miller & I (Linda E Brown) would love to listen our 4/21/90 performance with JR Monterose, Walter Donnaruma, Chuck D’Aloia but I it is passworded; I am a subscriber and I don’t recall having set one up. Can you help? Many thanks.

    j. r. monterose & hal miller – 21 apr 1990, albany, ny – change is possible

    • hi linda,

      first, let me say thanks to you and hal miller both. i really enjoyed the recording.

      for each post, the passwords are in the comments. here it is: PNXvLuraDqRqsRi it’s way buried in the comments so might be hard to find. if you still have problems, write again & i’ll setup an alternative link.

      (in case you’re curious: each post has a different password. this is to block bots; don’t really know if it works but i like to think so.)


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