there’s a lot more stuff up on, including a phenomenal brecht concert by gisela may at the bergen music festival in 1974. i’m a big fan of bertolt brecht & kurt weill, well for the past couple of years anyway, and was thrilled to get this on video. for my car, i’ve demuxed it & tracked it. the car will get mp3’s but here it is in the original audio format (but not video, sorry, that’s 1.4 gb).
i should maybe look more into german music hall songs of the 20s & 30s. somewhere, i have a russian group singing a lot of inter-war german songs, which i really enjoyed as well. one of these fine days… .. .
gisela may
national theatre
bergen, norway
1974 (exact date unknown, probably sometime in july 1974)
gisela may – vocals
unidentified musicians from berliner ensemble – piano, flute, accordion, etc
00 interview by eyvind solås
time 9:03
part 1
01 00:00 gm intro to first few songs, from “happy end”
02 01:00 was die herrn matrosen sagen [happy end]
03 05:00 bilbao song [happy end]
04 10:11 surabaya johnny [happy end]
05 14:43 denn wie man sich bettet (meine herren, meine mutter prägte)
[aufstieg und fall der stadt mahagonny / rise & fall of the city of mahagonny]
06 18:18 gm intro
07 18:55 das lied der eisenbahntruppe von fort donald
08 22:54 gm intro to next few songs, from “die dreigroschenoper” (the threepenny opera)
09 23:39 barbarasong (der song vom nein und ja) [dreigroschenoper]
10 28:59 gm intro to next song
11 29:26 ballade von der sexuellen hörigkeit [dreigroschenoper]
12 32:11 seeräuberjenny [dreigroschenoper]
13 36:27 gm intro
14 37:52 zu potsdam unter den eichen
time 40:18
part 2
15 00:00 telphoning (a)
16 11:38 gm into
17 12:22 ballade von der judenhure marie sanders
18 14:35 mein sohn was immer auch aus dir werde
19 17:35 gm intro
20 17:51 lied vom achten elefanten
21 20:33 gm intro to next 4 songs, from schweyk im zweiten weltkrieg
22 21:19 das lied von der moldau [schweyk]
23 22:43 das lied vom kleinen wind [schweyk]
24 24:34 komm und setz dich, lieber gast [schweyk]
25 26:26 und was bekam des soldaten weib [schweyk] (b)
26 29:23 gm intro
27 29:48 o fallada, da du hangest (ein pferd klagt an)
28 32:31 gm intro
29 33:45 friedenslied
30 35:30 (clapping until end)
(a) performance (with minimal props) of an extract from a work by brecht. thanks for any help identifying.
(b) gm introduces the song as “und was bekam des nazisoldaten weib”. online, i find “soldaten” (with one
youtube exception), and that’s what’s in the lyric; but i don’t know which version of the title is correct.
time: 36:05
total time: 85:26
video source: nrk webcast > adobehds php downloader > .flv video
no re-encoding has been applied, the adobehds.php downloader is a script for downloading .flv video streams.
demux source: as above > ffmpeg (demux to .m4a) > ffmpeg (track) > tracked .m4a files
ffmpeg syntax, using start times & durations calculated from video track start-times above.
demux: ffmpeg -y -i “inputfile.flv” -vn -acodec copy “outputfile.m4a”
track: ffmpeg -y -accurate_seek -ss 35:30 -i “outputfile.m4a” -vn -acodec copy -t 00:30 “outputtrack.m4a”
sample: t14 zu potsdam unter den eichen.mp3