Apr 242018

here’s one from 8 years ago, or so…  i found this very listenable earlier today, while working, and again (& more attentively) putting this posting together.


gina schwarz sextet
vienna, austria
13 september 2013

gina schwarz (bass, announcements)
robert bachner (trombone)
andy middleton (soprano & tenor saxophones)
benjamin schatz (piano)
heimo trixner (guitar)
harry tanschek (drums)

first set:

01: ramsampal – 8:16
02: brush hour – 7:33
03: for c & c – 8:16
04: venezia – 8:35
05: there is one place – 7:29

second set:

06: hexagon – 9:24
07: morpheus – 7:55
08: caballitos – 5:11
09: free – 6:46
10: jazzista – 7:24
11: caps and rags (encore) – 6:58

tt 1:23:49

recorded by orf
lineage: ö 1 radio broadcast (analog cable) –> cd –> hard disc –> audacity –> tlh

very good sound quality


sample: t06 hexagon.mp3
download:  GinaSchwarz_2013-09-13_RadioCafe_ViennaAustria.zip

covers by pete.

  3 Responses to “gina schwarz – 13 sept 2013, radiocafé, vienna austria”

  1. HhczhdHBYf3t

  2. BIG THX!…

  3. Thanks, I didn’t know this jazz woman.

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