i’ve been listening to a lot of organ jazz lately (as i mentioned?) and dredging through the back catalogue of shows that haven’t been listened to in a while for more of the same. this was something i recorded off the air over 13 years ago, from rté’s sadly discontinued show the third wave, back when there was still such a thing as a pcmcia cardbus. an unwieldly little monster, but it recorded fm & broadcast tv very nicely, you just needed to be sure not to touch the computer during the recording or there’d be drop-outs. anyway, it’s a good thing that the recording came out well, as it’s a fine (if somewhat short) show from “dr. music”.
doug riley b-3 quartet
maison de la culture frontenac
montréal, quebec, canada
19 oct 2006
doug riley – hammond b-3
chris mitchell – alto & tenor sax [alt. link]
ted quinlan – guitar
ben riley – drums
01 “the third wave” intro (mostly about a contest) (1:47) [you probably want to delete this track]
02 intro to live feature (1:00)
03 hookup (mike stern) (9:59)
04 windows(chick corea) (8:42)
05 unknown (11:39)
06 nothing personal * (12:06)
07 “the third wave” outro [incomplete] (0:21)
* slight drop at around 3:01 where the song was split between files and i rejoined it with audacity.
analogue fm (avermedia avertv hybrid+fm cardbus) > wav >
cdwave (tracking) > flac (trader’s little helper, level 5)
rté one fm – “the third wave”, recorded 2007-08-04 from rte. described as “highlights from” the show, this is all that was broadcast on the day; i do not think it is the whole show.
recorded straight from fm to my laptop, with a little bit of hiss. rté normally only ever seems to broadcast “highlights”, but this is all of the concert that was broadcast on the day. i don’t know if more of the same show was broadcast on later shows (not that i heard, but i missed a lot of the 3rd wave shows).
sample: t04 windows (chick corea).mp3
download: DougRileyB-3Quartet_2006-10-19_FrontenacQC.zip