Nov 142018

listening to this, i thought that it might be time for me to dig into french jazz musicians a bit more.  actually, what got me thinking that was looking up these musicians on the internet:  like gildas boclé, who apparently has a brother jean-baptiste who is also a musician; or sébastien texier, who has played with his father, henri texier among others.  and then recently, i downloaded a couple of shows by marc ducret.  and all that got me thinking of françois corneloup (one of my earliest, and rather flawed, off-the-air recordings was a concert of his).  well, i stopped there before i could disappear down a rabbit hole.   now if we could only get french dj’s to shut up…. anyway, this show was shared on dime by cosmikd back in early 2011.

edouard bineau wared quartet
studio charles trenet, radio france
paris, france
8 january 2011

edouard bineau (piano)  or also
daniel erdmann (tenor sax)
gildas boclé (double bass)
arnaud lechantre (drums)
guest :
sébastien texier (alto sax, clarinet)

01 rootless (bineau) 9:01
02 je me suis fait tout petit (georges brassens) 9:35
03 intro 0:13
04 charmeur de pierre (bineau) 9:49
05 wandering (bineau) 5:17
06 maman rose (bineau) 5:11
07 intro 0:56
08 wared (bineau) 9:37
09 big foot (bineau) 10:12

tt 59:56

dvb-s > skystar2 > kaffeine (mp3 256 kbs, 48 khz) > ffmpeg (wav conversion) > wavelab > flac (level 8)
broadcast : jazz sur le vif, france musique, 5 feb 2011

sample: t05 wandering.mp3

  2 Responses to “edouard bineau “wared” quartet – 8 jan 2011, studio charles trenet, radio france, paris, france”

  1. lOwMWWoaNn

  2. HUGE THX!…

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