Oct 312015

this is like a blast from the past, reminds me of the music i’d listen to in the dc / charlottesville area in the late 70s to mid 80s (if perhaps a bit more polished than some show then, eh?).  it sounds like a fantastic show and this excellent good audience recording does it justice i think.  great show, great fun, i’da like to have been there.  so, here ya go for halloween… enjoy!


masters of the telecaster
city winery, new york, ny
20 sept 2015

roy buchanan birthday tribute

jim weider, g.e smith, john jorgenson & johnny hiland teles
josh dion – drums
jeff hill – bass

hot cha
last time
hey good lookin’
down by the river
i’m a ram
dark is the night
soul went down
big boss man
sweet dreams
treat her right
ge blues tune
drink up and go home > little sister

tt 2:09:25

schoeps mk4 v > lunatec v3 > sony pcm m10 > wav > flac

sample:  t02 Lucille.mp3

download: MastersoftheTelecaster_2015-09-20_CityWinery_NYC.zip

  One Response to “masters of the telecaster – 20 sept 2015, city winery, new york, ny”

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