Apr 252020

i’ve been listening to this on-and-off all day, as i pop in and out doing various tasks.  not the best way to listen to a 2+ hour show, with most pieces clocking in over 15 minutes, but this is holding up well enough for a second, uninterrupted, airing.  this is a bit slow, sometimes even a bit melancholy, in parts (well, ok, i’m thinking of track 3 in particular) but don’t let that put you off.  and this is an excellent audience recording by (i assume) ‘yaqwedc’ who shared it (thanks!).

lew soloff quartet
count davis
linz, austria
8 march 2009

lew soloff: trumpet
jean-michel pilc: piano
francois moutin: bass
billy hart: drums

1. set
01. night and day
02. intro
03. the meaning of the blues
04. sharp turns
05. livin’ in you

2. set
06. mean what you said
07. orga
08. round about midnight medley
09. encore

tt 2:14:20

source: edirol(r09) to wave – cut/fade with adobe audition – wave to flac8 with dbpoweramp

lew soloff ist einer von den seltenen musikern, die in ihrer vielseitigkeit und wandlungsfähigkeit so wie gut wie absolut einzigartig sind: als lead trompeter in jedem stil zuhause, vom big band jazz zum jazz rock, vom hardbop zum salsa und pop, aber auch als solist ein wunderbar innovativer musiker. so ist er einer der gefragtesten trompeter für studio und bühne. begonnen hat lew soloff als trompeter und gründungsmitglied der sensationellen jazz rock band „blood, sweat & tears“ und gewann mit dieser formation neun goldene schallplatten und einen grammy.  seine mitstreiter sind einmal die beiden franzosen jean-michel pilc und francois moutin, die aber seit einigen jahren in new york als gefragte begleitmusiker etabliert sind. der amerikanische drummer billy hart komplettiert das quartett.  er hat in den 40 jahren seiner karriere mit den absoluten spitzenmusikern der welt gespielt: herbie hancock, gerry mulligan, eddie harris, the new york jazz quartet, nur um einige zu nennen.  und zusammen sind sie alle ebenso vielseitig wie ihr bandleader.

lew soloff is one of those rare musicians who, in its versatility and adaptability as well as absolutely unique: as a lead trumpeter in any style home, from big band jazz to jazz-rock, from hardbop to salsa and pop, but also as a soloist, a wonderfully innovative musicians. he is one of the most sought after trumpeters for studio and stage. lew soloff began as a trumpeter and founding member of the sensational jazz rock band “blood, sweat & tears” with this and won nine gold records formation and a grammy.  his collaborators are again the two frenchmen, jean-michel pilc and francois moutin, but since a few years in new york as demand accompanying musicians are established. the american drummer billy hart completes the quartet. he has worked in 40 years of his career with the absolute top musicians in the world played: herbie hancock, gerry mulligan, eddie harris, the new york jazz quartet, just to name a few. and together, they are all just as versatile as her band leader.

sample: t04 sharp turns.mp3
download: LewSoloffQuartet_2009-03-08_CountDavis_LinzAustria.zip

  3 Responses to “lew soloff – 8 march 2009, count davis, linz, austria”

  1. uajhanpyvv

  2. a MANHATTAN JAZZ QUINTET member and more …here in a NEW quartet …GREAT CHUICE!…
    HUGE THX!….

  3. Thanks a lot!

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