here’s a quick upload. i was listening to this back-to-back with the gaël horellou quartet w/ guest abraham burton from 2014 in paris. a random choice: the first two shows with foldernames starting with “g”. sometimes, a bit of randomness & serendipity can pay off. this was shared on dime by ‘survivor69’ in sept 2013.
roberto del piano
massimo pintori
gaetano liguori new quintet
festival jazz & wine of peace
kulturni dom
nova gorica, slovenia
27 october 2012
piero bittolo bon, alto saxophone
filippo vignato, trombone
gaetano liguori, pianoforte
roberto del piano, bass
massimo pintori, drums
(00 radio introduction by pino saulo) 3.54
01. corale per albert ayler [4.52]
02. tema di luna [5.52]
03. il comandante [5.55]
04. band intros by liguori [2.21]
05. peppina [12.36]
06. tre quarti [3/4] per danilo [9.33]
07. introduction by liguori [0.48]
08. suite del terzo mondo, part i [11.24]
09. drums and bass bridge [5.20]
10. suite del terzo mondo, part ii [10.52]
11. encore break [0.48]
12. noi credevamo [5.27]
13. radio outro [1.33]
running time : 75’49” (without radio intro and outro)
with radio intros and outro it would be 81’16”
lineage (fm > hd > web)
itt hifi4060 tuner > audacity 2.0 via c-media cmi8738/c3dx soundcard > .aup > 44100hz/16bit flac’s (level 8) > webtorrenting
recorded at kulturni dom, nova gorica [slovenia, and it’s pronounced “goritsa”], on saturday 27 october 2012
fm radio broadcast by “il cartellone – festival dei festival”, radio 3 rai [third channell of
italian national radio], on thursday 12 september 2013, 22:38 hours [cet].
a long career since the seventies as leader of idea trio (with the same roberto del piano and filippo monico as drummer) and titles like “cile libero, cile rosso” or “cantata rossa per tall el zaatar”, great tunes “in opposition” as his contemporaries area with fariselli and stratos, and massimo urbani. also included in the folder, marked as track 00, a radio introduction in italian with bio notes and commentaries – this intro runs for 3’54”, you can skip downloading it if you don’t understand italian. these should all be liguori’s own compositions
sample: t10-suite terzo mondo ii.mp3
Great choice!!!
Have a great Christmas time, Pete!
thanks, softnucleus! i did, and hope you did as well.
happy new year!