Mar 252022

here’s the next of the shows that have gotten me out of the doldrums lately.  been meaning to post this all week, but life got in the way as happens sometimes.  on the other hand, i’ve listened to this around 4 times this week, and it’s still as fresh as a daisy.  enjoy!

louis hayes / woody shaw quintet
cologne, germany
february 1, 1977

woody shaw (tp)
rené mclean (ts, as, ss)
ronnie mathews (p)
stafford james (b)
louis hayes (dr)

1 bilad as sudan
2 sashianova
3 book’s bossa

tt: 55:47

[radio station master tape>cd-r]
sound is a solid a

sample: t03 book’s bossa 192k.mp3

photo:  a modified copy of the cover of the woody shaw / louis hayes cd “the tour volume two”

Mar 172022

things are opening up here in dublin, at last, and though i’m nervous, i’ve been to one jazz show this month and have tickets for another.  it was so nice to get out of the house for some live music.

recording-wise (“-wise”… you can tell i’ve recently seen the apartment starring jack lemmon & shirley maclaine), it’s been a bit of a slow month though, with nothing really lighting my fire except for the arrival of a few cds i’d ordered in late february.  until the past few days, when things picked up starting with this 2012 show originally shared by ‘watten’.

paris jazz underground
baiser salé
paris, france
20 sept 2012

david prez, saxophone
sandro zerafa, guitar
karl jannuska, drums
romain pilon, guitar
olivier zanot, saxophone
yoni zelnik, bass

01- ut
02- repeat
03- the thousand years
04- stealth
05- for fred monpu
06- pju blues (fades out)

42 minutes

source : tsf (fm) / uniti / rh-09r / audacity / xact

sample: t01 UT 256k.mp3

photo:  of the abandoned saint-martin metro station in paris, from, used without permission.

Mar 052022

here’s a nice bit of italian jazz that i’ve been listening to, shared by ‘survivor69’ that same day. no seriously, how do you do that?  even when the program is early in the day?  i found a pdf of the program (a copy is now included).

i recently bought an avermedia tvhybrid usb tuner for tv and radio.  i’m mostly using it just for listening to radio when i feel like it, and it’s great also to have a radio when travelling with my laptop.  works well, easy to install and, big surprise, turns out i get loads of irish television!   and i can record both fm and this new live tv!  not that i’ve found anything that i want to record off the air in the past 5 years, but sure, that’s a different question.

(btw, the original folder name was “GianniSavelliMediaRes 20170604quirinale”)

gianni savelli media res
cappella paolina, palazzo del quirinale
rome, italy
4 june 2017

gianni savelli, tenor saxophone
aldo bassi, flugelhorn
enrico zanisi, pianoforte
luca pirozzi, bass
alessandro marzi, drums

01 introduction and interview 9.31
02 flying over gocius de santu micheli
03 spoken intros
04 thelxis
05 spoken intros
06 aria da bachianas brasileiras n.5 [heitor villa-lobos]
07 kirshrot
08 spoken intros
09 pacifico
10 spoken intros
11 rossignol

tt 1:07:20

lineage (fm > hard disc > web):
itt hifi4060 tuner > audacity 2.0 via asus a7s333 c-media cmi8738/c3dx soundcard > 44100hz/16bit .aup > flac’s (level 8) > webtorrenting
folder size : 481 mb

a live and direct fm radio broadcast from cappella paolina, palazzo del quirinale, roma (italy) by “i concerti del mattino”, radio 3 rai [third channel of italian national radio], on sunday 4 june 2017, at 11:51 hours [cet, midday].
(note: cappella paolina is a chapel, a small church, inside the quirinale palace, which is the residence of the president of italian republic)

here is savelli introducing his current album “magellano”, with his project media res that has being running for years. all tunes are his own except where noted, and track11 actually comes from previous album. all tracks are introduced by short commentaries in italian of course

sample: t07 kirshrot 256k.mp3