this might be a nice companion piece for this 1967 krzysztof komeda show with a much younger tomasz stanko. nice to see things going around like that. not anything that i’ve seen before since i don’t watch polanskiy’s films. nice line up, too! looking for this on the web, i did run across a jazz(ish) blog i’ve not seen before, musica degradata, who shared the show back in 2013 (dead link now).
tomasz stanko quartet plus gianluigi trovesi
“litania: krzysztof komeda’s music for roman polanski’s films”
parmajazz frontiere
parma, italy
7 dec 2003
tomasz stanko, trumpet
marcin wasilewski, piano
slawomir kuriliewicz, double bass
michal miskiewkz, drums
guest: gianluigi trovesi, alto sax & clarinets
1 – announcement (0:25)
2 – litania (5:43)
3 – svantetic (12:07)
4 – ballada (10:00)
5 – sleep, safe and warm ( 7:15)
6 – night-time, daytime requiem ballad for brent (18:58)
tt 54:28
quality a
source: radio3 fm
radio3 broad. philips cdr 770 – then wav – flac
parmajazz borders festival 2003
from 5 to 7 december 2003
sample: t03 svantetic 256k.mp3
photo: from the parma frontiere website, unchanged. used without permission.