Mar 252022

here’s the next of the shows that have gotten me out of the doldrums lately.  been meaning to post this all week, but life got in the way as happens sometimes.  on the other hand, i’ve listened to this around 4 times this week, and it’s still as fresh as a daisy.  enjoy!

louis hayes / woody shaw quintet
cologne, germany
february 1, 1977

woody shaw (tp)
rené mclean (ts, as, ss)
ronnie mathews (p)
stafford james (b)
louis hayes (dr)

1 bilad as sudan
2 sashianova
3 book’s bossa

tt: 55:47

[radio station master tape>cd-r]
sound is a solid a

sample: t03 book’s bossa 192k.mp3

photo:  a modified copy of the cover of the woody shaw / louis hayes cd “the tour volume two”

  4 Responses to “louis hayes / woody shaw quintet – 1 feb 1977, subway, cologne, germany”

  1. zilzbhvria

    HUGE THX!…

  3. Various versions of this band have pulled me out of the doldrums many times over the years. I bet this one will too. Thanks for the uplift!

  4. Thank you Pete!

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