Oct 242017

some downloads will be available as bittorrent downloads as well as regular downloads.  i may update some existing links also.  if you use a bittorrent download, i’d appreciate some feedback.  thanks!

 Posted by at 01:59

  3 Responses to “bittorrent downloads”

  1. i use deluge for DIME and bittorrent for others…i like torrents because if the seeds are OK it’s faster than regular downloads…

  2. Hi Pete, Thanks very much for the advice – I have failed to use bittorrents before and, in the case of the Sam Rivers, have received a file ending in .zip.torrent which I do not know how to process. Can you refer me please (to save time) to which application is likely to be best to process this file? Kind Regards, MonkSphere

    • the short answer: you need to download a bittorrent client that will handle the download for you. the .torrent file contains the details that the bittorrent client will use to download the actual file (in this case, a .zip file).

      there are a lot of bt clients out there. i use vuze (formerly azureus) myself, but it is a bit of a memory hog.


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