Jun 272019

here’s the salena jones show that i mentioned back in feb 2018 when i posted an erich kleinschuster show in feb 2018.  i was listening to it again the other day, and again was very taken with it.  it seems a bit of that era too, somehow.

salena jones & orf big band
orf studio
wien (austria)
april 11 & 12, 1973

art farmer, ernst lamprecht, robert demmer, robert politzer (tp,flh), butch kellem, garney hicks, roy deuvall, willi meerwald (tb), hans salomon (as,bcl), hans löw (as,fl), leszek zadlo, peter klinger (ts,fl), felix hanusik (bs,fl), fritz pauer (p,elp), richard österreicher (g), jimmy woode (b), erich bachträgl (dr), salena jones (voc); erich kleinschuster (ld)

01. summertime
02. morning dew
03. on green dolphin street
04. in the still of the night
05. moment of truth
06. time after time
07. on a clear day
08. my way
09. my mood is you

graz (austria)
april 13, 1973

10. moment of truth
11. on a clear day
12. time after time
13. summertime
14. in the still of the night
15. the more i see you
16. may way
17. morning dew
18. morning dew (reprise)

lineage: pre-fm tapes > 1st gen copies > cd > hdd > tlh (flac 8)
sound quality: a

tracks 01 – 09 also appeared later on orf arbeitsplatte u-lp 73/17, a vinyl record produced for broadcasting only. it was never commercially available.

sample: t03 on green dolphin street.mp3
download: SalenaJones_1973-04-11-12_Vienna_04-13_GrazAustria.zip