“u014945” (maurizio) has been seeding a lot of “rrk” on dime lately. which is a good thing, as (a) i’ve a number more shows of his now; and (b) i’ve been listening to a lot rahsaan roland kirk for the first time in a while (a bit now and then, yes, but a lot? not for a while). anyway, this is a very nice show of his, with great sound quality and (for me anyway) a lot cheerier than some of his other shows… u014945 hasn’t seeded this one, though, so i thought i’d share it here (when “u” runs out of steam, maybe on dime too…)
and oh! i nearly forgot to mention that i downloaded this when milesian seeded it back in september 2005! well done that boy!
[update 29-may: yep, u014945 reseeded this one too! says he’s done with rrk for the moment; not a bad choice to finish with.
however maurizio noted in his reseed that set 1 has been officially released, which i hadn’t realized. so i have removed set 1 from the posting here. if you got this during the window when the full show was here then good for you, but otherwise ‘it is what it is’.]
rahsaan roland kirk
march 3, 1972
hamburg, germany
rahsaan roland kirk – tenor saxophone, stritch, manzello, bells, flute
henry “pete” pearson – bass
ron burton – piano
joe habao texidor – percussion
richie goldberg – drums
disc one (1:09:12):
1. ? – 8:32 (not we free kings )
2. make it with you – 5:39
3. roland’s spirit – 7:16
4. introductions – 0:45
5. my girl – 5:15
6. seasons- 6:54 (not serenade to a cuckoo)
7. pedal up – 10:20 (not fast ass!)
8. lush life – 3:12
9. afro blue – 4:04
10. blue train – 17:11
disc two (34:04):
1. prelude back home – 5:05
2. satin doll – 1:55
3. my cherie amour – 3:55
4. fingers in the wind- 6:58 (not there’s a bomb)
5. band introductions – 1:06
6. volunteered slavery – 15:04
ndr (norddeutscher rundfunk) digital radio broadcast >dat at 48 khz
dat clone >.wav at 48 khz via s/pdif and m-audio audiophile 2496
digital soundcard >soundforge 6.0 >cd wave >flac frontend (level 8,
aligned on sector boundaries)
ndr currently transmits an mpeg1 layer at a minimum of 2/192 kbps; however, the bitrate could actually have been higher at the time of this broadcast (circa 1998). to my knowledge, there is no better recording available.
no noise reduction, eq or other manipulation was applied to this set.
setlist corrected per comments on dime tracker, sept 2005
sample: t03 my_cherie_amour.mp3
download: RahsaanRolandKirk_1972-03-03_Hamburg_Set2.zip