this show had a very similar lineup to ‘the chris flory quintet featuring scott hamilton’. coming up next, another (also fantastic but even shorter) show featuring scott hamilton, in the ‘concord superband’ with warren vache among others. i’ve corrected the line up below (the drums & piano were swapped) but haven’t updated the text file (already uploaded it and feeling lazy).
tomorrow is international jazz day. i don’t really have anything special lined up for this blog, didn’t plan ahead, silly me, but will spend much of the day wasting time and listening to jazz (two different things & which go together very well) unless we do the bray-to-greystones cliff walk, now that our travel limit has increased to the longer of 20km or the county border.
scott hamilton quintet
manhattan studio
new york,ny
scott hamilton – sax
chris flory – guitar
chuck riggs – drums
phil flanigan – bass
norman simons – piano
01 unknown title 7:53
02 unknown title 4:04
03 unknown title 6:59
04 unknown title 6:01
05 unknown title 5:38
06 unknown title 9:47
07 unknown title 6:41
tt 47:03
lineage: rooftop rotary antenna> yamaha tuner t-70>nak lx3 nr-out> xlii c90.
transfer: dragon nr-out>zoomh4 16/44.1>hcsd 8gb >audacity>tlh>flac16.
cosmicchucky may, 2014 enjoy!
a qual fm. t07 cuts near end.
sample: t06 unknown title 256k.mp3